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Hear our current Featured Year of “Retro Album Rock” music right now!

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16 thoughts on “Listen

  1. Fred, Seasons Greetings. First, let me say how much I have been enjoying what you have put together for our listening pleasure. Second, 1968 is my favorite year of the ones you feature as most of the great classic albums derived from this year. One of my favorite songs of all time and especially from ’68 is “Time has come today” until now. The version you have played the past two times 1968 has been featured is some bastardized version that even my dog won’t listen to. I am not certain why you feel compelled to play this and not the album version is beyond me but let me tell you, I think it stinks. I would rather not hear it all, if you don’t mind. Please play the full version and bring balance back to the force. Thanks.

    • Sorry about that, Rick! The long version is the one that should be in there. The edited version must have inadvertently played in one of our auto playlists, but it should be out of there now. Thanks for your loyalty and for listening each week. I really appreciate it! – All the Best & Happy Holidays! -Fred

  2. Just typed in album rock stations, as it’s a genre I’m not as familiar with, and have been listening for a day straight. Love it. I see there’s a mobile app, but at least on Android I can’t access it?

    • Mike, have you tried to access through the Tune In radio app? This is how I listen on my smartphone (iPhone) and I am certain it will work on an Android device too. Cheers, Rick

  3. Rick, I just discovered you. On my new and first internet radio. I know already: this is gonna be IT for me! A wonderful present: the playlist of my life. Even my fellow dutchmen the Tea Set with ‘Ma Belle Amie”‘ I hear. All the best from The Netherlands!

    • Hi Jos — Thank you for the kind words! I’m glad that you’re enjoying the program. 1970 wouldn’t have been complete without “Ma Belle Amie”, one of the biggest hits worldwide in that year. And speaking of The Netherlands… just wait until you hear “Hocus Pocus” from Focus! That’ll be on another show, of course. Thanks again for listening and for your continued support! All the best, Fred

    • Hi Zee! — I’m glad that you’re enjoying “Retro Album Rock”, and I’m sorry that you have been experiencing streaming problems. I know that Live365 (the hosting server) is in the midst of a system upgrade and migration, but I didn’t realize that their streams were down that frequently. Since Live365 is the host, that would also affect TuneIn. Hopefully, this will improve in the days ahead. Thanks for listening, and I hope you will continue to support the station despite these recent streaming setbacks. By the way, where are you listening from (i.e. where are you located?). Best, Fred

  4. I discovered this station about 6 weeks ago, ending my need to browse TuneIn for good music. I was only 4 years old in 1974, but I remember asking Santa for Eldorado by ELO, The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway, and Relayer by Yes (still my all time favorite band). For Halloween, I was Elton John (complete with gold sequined jacket and matching glasses). This week, and every week, listening to your playlist brings back memories of being the weird kid who listened to WNEW. Still weird, and happy to be able to listen to the soundtrack of my youth. Keep up the groovy work!

    • Thanks for your kind words, David! And thanks for listening! Some great albums you listed there… and I love Yes as well. I’m assuming that since you were a hardcore WNEW fan (Scott Muni!), you probably reside in New York — but anyway, thought I would ask where you are listening from. Thanks, Fred

  5. So glad that I discovered this! I was a devoted listener to Retro Lightning back in the day. Ther is nowhere else that you can go to listen to music like this, with the possible exception of some Pandora stations.

    • Hey, John!

      So glad to have you back with us! I appreciate your loyal following over the years, and grateful for your continued support. Thanks for listening, and please tell other “locals” to do the same!

      All the best,

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