


34 thoughts on “Contact

  1. I just discovered your “live 365” station and LOVE it! Please continue to feature one full year per week…excellent!!! I would suggest you keep about 50% of the music rare album cuts / lost 45’s with more in depth news / reporting from the year. . Go back to the “Hot 100” singles or albums from a year and don’t be afraid to play obscure but great songs….like you have been doing…….:) However, every 4th or 5th song play a top 40 hit or familiar album cut to keep us orientated…:) This is potentially an AWESOME station and I would be glad to help in any way…:)

    • Thanks for listening and for the kind words, Jeff! And please tell all of your friends about the station. I would certainly appreciate it!

      Plus, if you know of any potential sponsors for both the broadcast and this music blog, please let me know!

      I hope you will keep listening each week!

  2. Just to say well done – I am involved with a project looking to build a similar station in UK, there is a big market for this music, away from the same “hit” tracks in rotation

    Wish you well

  3. As a 34 year veteran of rock radio, I appreciate the vision with this ‘station’ and it’s goals. I hate today’s corporate classic rock radio stations and their 300 song playlists. However, I have to take issue with the phrase “Retro Album Rock”. I would argue that Tina Turner, Marvin Gaye, The Spinners, etc., are NOT album rock. They were never played on “album rock” formatted radio stations, nor are these artists considered “album rock” – or, even “rock”! These are R&B artists and they do NOT rock. AOR formats in the early 70’s – free form FM – were the opposite of what those AM stations were playing. Those AM stations were playing The Spinners and Marvin Gaye (Top 40 hits) while the FM stations were playing Pink Floyd, Yes, Jethro Tull, etc. album cuts – not at all what the AM Pop stations were playing.

    The deep cuts from album rock artists are GREAT and that’s where the name of the station differs from the actual programming on the station. Perhaps “Retro Radio” would be a better fit or “Radio Rocks” to encompass how great radio used to be when you could hear multiple musical genres on one radio station. Calling this station “Retro Album Rock” is not an accurate image of what the station is actually playing.

    This coming from a veteran radio PD who’s worked AM Pop radio in the early 80’s, AOR in the late 80’s to Active Rock radio in the 90’s and today. Other than my critique – I think the concept is great and I appreciate the music. 😉

  4. Very good music! As a person in S.F. in the late sixties there was great music back to 1965. Please consider starting from around 65. Thanks and peace. Forest

  5. I just found your station and I just love the concept. My favourite years of music are from 1964 to 1979 so you cover this quite well. I hate the classic rock stations out there today. Very boring and there is so much music out there in the history of rock. What year are you going to do next?

    • Thanks for reaching out, Joe!

      This next week we’ll be featuring Progressive music from the year 1969, which you should really enjoy. I appreciate you listening and for your continued support. Please feel free to pass our station on to your friends and acquaintances.


      p.s.: Just wondering….where are you located?

  6. Is this the Fred Buc that use to be on lightning 100. I believe I went to high school with you at Bellevue high. This is Shane Lankford. Can’t seem to get music to play

  7. Just discovered this station yesterday.
    Is it possible to post the schedule for the upcoming feature years? I am fickle about the music eras I listen to.
    Also any way to post a more complete playlist? You had some great music during the 1968 week that I had not heard and need in my library.
    Great sound from what I heard yesterday.

    • Thanks for the note, Steve — and thank you for listening! We don’t post a schedule of what years will be featured every week. We like to randomly skip around from week to week. But it will always be a year between 1967 and 1983. Occasionally, we’ll plug the next week’s feature year during the course of the current week. As for the playlists, there’s no way we can post every year’s entire playlist, as there are several hundred songs for each week of music we feature. And we like to present it with “an element of surprise”, like Free Form FM Radio used to be. Steve, I hope you will continue to listen to us sometime during the course of every week to get the full experience of what we have to offer. Thanks, Fred

  8. My first choice station. Especially on the weekends.
    I tell everyone i know about Retro Album Rock.
    Keep Rock’n
    Thanks so much for your hard work. Its very much appreciated.


    • Thanks for listening, Jeff! And we appreciate you passing the word on to others! Please continue to stay in touch. Your feedback is important to us!

  9. Insightful; may I rebuttal at last one point? As you say Gaye, Turner,et al are not ‘Album Rock’- I don’t consider them ‘rock’ at all (although Marvin was certainly a groundbreaker–‘What’s Goin’ On’ kinda like the first soul music concept album), but I grew up with Led Zep and Blue Cheer singles on Top 40 radio right next to the Supremes, Neil Diamond, Wislon Pickett etc.( After awhile i discovered “progressive” or AOR…). Now the term “You Rock” in our lexicon means anyone you like is great. Following along, the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame counts Little Richard,Bessie Smith. and the Jackson Five as qualified. (No problem with any of ’em, just consider it the Pop Music HOF). Try this for a kick -if you can tear yourself away from Fred’s station here– All over the inernet there are both web stations and terrestial stations from Europe and South America that call themselves (for example) ‘Rock 91’ (I think it’s in Budapest). What they play as ‘rock’ music is a way wider MIx than what you normally hear on ‘Classic Rock’ or ‘Modern Rock ‘ here in the States.My take is Radio is not all-encompassing over there as it is here, that is to say the formats are not as fragmented because they are not owned by large corporations who are so bottom-line driven. Peace!

    • Some great observations here, Terry. I guess you could say that a person’s thoughts about Music, Radio & “Formats” are quite subjective in nature, not to mention somewhat “territorial” (by the geography of their upbringing). Thanks for your note and thanks for listening!

      All the best,

      • Couldn’t agree more Fred. I personally think you are spot on with the music\style stations that I miss from the 70’s. Growing up in Albuquerque we didn’t (and still don’t) have much choice. Although the internet and AVR apps for world wide stations are in the thousands. There was one awesome station from UNM that was the closest to what you have here. I also remember an AM station from before FM days, KQEO, a lot of 60’s Motown and R&B music that T McGough mentions above. Hmm, maybe you should start up a separate station to hit that demographic! :0) Anyway, I have spent numerous days since finding the “Music Cast” app that Yamaha uses for their AVR’s. I can honestly say that your station is by far my favorite. I WILL be spreading the word! Thx, David Jones

        • Hi David – Thank you for the kind words and for your notes about the station. I’m glad you’re enjoying “Retro Album Rock”! I worked at an Album Rock radio station in Nashville back in the 70s, and this online station is a good representation of my former terrestrial FM station. As I recall, Albuquerque also had a pretty good FM station back in the mid-to-late 70s, but I just can’t remember the call letters right now.

          Anyway, thanks again for listening and for spreading the word! Please continue to stay in touch!

          All the best,

  10. Just found this station, thank God there’s a station that actually plays music you can enjoy. Thank you for the hard work you put into this station!

    From Upstate NY

  11. Loving the tunes from 1970. What a fantastic year. I love your station and have been listening for three years now. Keep on rocking!


  12. I just discovered this internet “radio station” today and I’m thrilled to hear it! After many years of Saturday mornings “Stuck in the 70’s”, I wondered where you ended up, Fred. I so glad to find you here spinning classic tunes. It’s like getting back in touch with an old friend.

    • Hi Robert — Thanks for the kind words and thank you for being such a long time listener! “Stuck in the 70s” goes all the way back to the mid 80s! After retiring from terrestrial radio, I wanted to find a way to carry on my passion for this music. The channel is on 24/7, but I actually go “live” every Saturday midday from 11am-3pm (Central Time). I’m so glad that you found “Retro Album Rock” online! btw… Are you still in Nashville? If not, where are you listening from? All the best, Fred

  13. Fred, terrific station. Just found it this October (through Online Radio Box). I’m just outside NYC. I was also deep into my college radio music in the late 70s. If you get this note during this week (1978), maybe you could find Lindesfarne’s “Run For Home.” Haven’t heard it… probably since 1978! I thank you, sir.

    • Thanks for the kind words, Bradley! Ah, college radio… those were the days!! Lindisfarne’s “Run From Home” is in the library. I’ll push it up to play some time in the next hour or so for you. Thanks for listening, and tell your friends!

  14. Discovered your awesome station only a couple days ago and, after MANY long years of not having a great radio station to turn on, I feel like this Retro Album Rock is really special! It takes me back to the days of 70’s-era freeform formats and I’m hearing tunes on your channel that I’ve not heard on FM since they originally hit the airwaves back in the day. (BTW, I’ve shared your link with friends.) Please don’t change a thing with Retro Album Rock. :o)

  15. Only found your station today, and been listening for hours without hearing one bad song. I’ll be listening all day in future. I’m 67 so i’ve been loving and listening to music from the early 60s. I live in south africa, so i’ll be listening to your night time and early morning programing. Let me listen for a while before I make any requests or sugestions. Keep up the great music i’ve heard so far

    • Hi Neil — Thanks for finding us! I’m so happy that you’re enjoying our programming. We made this station for people like you (and me!). I hope you will continue to listen to us. And please spread the word by telling your friends and acquaintances to check us out as well. Please stay in touch and feel to request anytime! All the best, Fred

  16. Great station dearly love it but your playist for spotlight years are way short. Need to muscle them up. Otherwise great station.

  17. The website looks great. Making me rethink on how I should do mine. I might have to try WordPress. Again, nicely done.

    • Thanks, John. Appreciate the kind words. It was a little time-consuming on the front end, but once the pages are setup, it’s pretty easy to update things. Good luck!

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